Yoga Routine In [2023] | Create Your Own Yoga Routine Easily..

When you learn all the basics of Yoga, then automatically, next thought comes to our mind is Yoga Routine ! You can not wait for your next divine Yoga routine in 2023.

Here, By the end this blog, you will have learned something new and interesting facts about Yoga Routines.

You will have completely new mindset about Yoga.

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Here are some list that needs to be asked to yourself.

Please take a time and ask yourself.

  • What is your purpose?
  • Why do you want to learn Yoga?
  • Why do you want to create your own Yoga Routine?
  • Am I willing to consider that there are things I can do to improve my life/business/ study.
  • What makes me happy?

I think you are ready. Lets get started.



It does not matter how busy you are, if you have at least 5 minutes you can do it, And when it’s come to Yoga. a Lot more things can be achieved in 5 minutes or less than 5 minutes. Don’t believe me?

Trust me,

Sometimes less is more.

Why am I discussing things only on 5 minutes of Yoga? Because, many people research more and do less. They research more and more about Yoga, Their benefits and Their types and last but not the least Fancy /fake Yoga. Surprised ? Many give up by saying, Yoga is all about stretching and only for fit/slim/ rich people and many give up without doing it.

They feel demotivated. Just because of poor mindset. Hence 5 minutes.

Therefore, for vast majority who suffer from physical limitations and debilities to some extend , start yoga as soon as possible so that we may fit ourselves for the journey of beautiful life.

Yoga Uncle

yoga routine from a beginner’s perspective.

How many minutes of Yoga a day?

So, If your question is How long Yoga, Then answer is it is completely up to you.

If You do not have any other workout and Yoga is the only one, Then You should start from 5minutes as a meditation or You can to it as a spiritual prospective for at least 30 or 40 minutes.

Point 1: If you have aspirations to experience the devine Yoga, But Poor mindset.

Divine yoga routine image

We can accomplish anything in our spiritual lives, If people have aspirations to experience divine, but what about poor mindset, of what use are their aspirations and dreams? They make their body too weak to bear the burden.

Solutions ?



As a beginner, as long as you have 5 minutes, Meditation must be your first priority.

Meditation relaxes brain and for this 5 minutes are enough.

Meditation has no limit.

Meditation significantly reduce stress, anxiety, pain, depression. What else we want?

Achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state, focusing the mind on particular object , thought to train attention.

Hence, just by doing 5 minutes of meditation daily will certainly change your life and it does not require any extra space or master mind brain, all you need to have is just 5 mins.

Step by step meditation:

  • Find a place to sit that feels quite to you.
  • Set a time limit. (Here in our case 5 minutes)
  • Close your eyes.
  • Simply pretend like you are sleep. Zero thought. (initially many random thoughts will come to your mind and its common. Just keep eyes closed and try to find nothing. simply relax.)
  • Gently open your eyes after 5 minutes or more as you feel comfortable with.
  • Enjoy your day!

Sow The Seed Of Meditation And Reap The Fruits Of Peace Of Mind.

Yoga Quotes

So Now you have your first Yoga step. Good Job!

Morning yoga


Morning is the best time for Yoga. It helps improve your concentration. Start your day early morning.

Don’t worry, Yoga can be performed on Bed as well. If you have walking problem, then also by doing bed yoga will improver your health. That’s why i am focusing on start doing less. Customize your own beautiful day. Even if you are unfit, Yoga will fit you nicely on the bed as well.

Brain needs oxygen and Yoga boost your energy. Hence, You do not feel tired at all.

Start doing every morning Yes, every morning, whether it is summer, winter or rainy, as I already told, Yoga can be performed anywhere. All you need to do is to make a list Which yoga easy to do and anywhere. In this way you can set your daily routine by customizing according to circumstances.

What next?

point2: is yoga FOR MIND OR BODY?


Yoga is complete workout for both the mind and body. As a beginner highly recommended go for mind, once mind ready. Then body will take its complete new shape.

See, When you do Yoga for mind it develops strong mindset, positive mindset towards life, build inner confidence, helps improve you focus in daily routine, Yoga will never disappoint you.

  • You can consider Two types of exercise.
    • 1st for Mind
    • 2nd for Body.

For Mind:

Research more about Yoga exercises for mind related activities.

Make timetable

Practice daily either in the morning or evening.

Find out which exercises need to be preformed on daily basis and add that beautiful exercises into your Daily Routine Yoga list.

Doing same sequence of poses everyday will help boost your expertise. It gives you sense of routine and confidence/ satisfaction.

For Body.

If you want to build strength, flexibilities, good posture then you are supposed to look for that kind of Yoga exercises.

You yourself decide, which need to be done and which not. Because, in Yoga, there are countless exercises and hence going for all is not a good idea. However, Best thing about Yoga is, There are some selective Yoga exercises, which helps more than you ever imagined.

By doing basic Yoga, which we have already discussed in our other articles in this site. Take a time and read it, You can change your life. Simple!

When You work on your body, it helps to burn your body fat. Results may vary from person to person.

Now, You have learned the Basic things about Yoga. You are able to decide which one is perfect for you. Take your own decision.

Point 3: connection between your mind, body and breath

self yoga routine image

The overall practice of Yoga includes Meditation, self-study, pure observation, real world, calmness. It was designed in a such a way, so you could find real -you, your true version, not just a healthier body.

Yoga connects well being of our mind, body breath and spirit.

True Yoga lies in spiritual practice. Have a faith in it. Spiritual trust gives incredible benefits.

Yoga originated in India and now performed globally. India is a spiritual nation and entire world fall in love. Because it has magnetic power. Power that only attracts positive, affirmative energy.

United states, England, East Asia, Africa to Australia to New Zealand all fall in love with yoga just because of spiritual aspect.

In Yoga Breathing has magic energy. By Controlling breathing You can achieve your ultimate goal. Breathing consciously helps improve mental, physical, emotional state.

In Yoga Many breathing exercises are available. Many diseases can be eliminated by simple performing those exercises on daily basis. Very simple exercises but most effective in nature.

“Yoga is the golden key that unlocks the door to peace, tranquility and joy.”

Do not just do Yoga for the body, do Yoga of the Mind as well.

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